
The 43rd Annual Super Bowl Breakfast at the St. Thomas Large Hall
There is no better way to kick off the biggest game in football than a hardy breakfast. So grab your family and friends and head down to the St. Thomas Large Hall (next to the Mobil gas station on Rt. 109 in Millis) and enjoy some delicious pancakes, eggs, ham, biscuits and gravy and more! Tickets are $10 and can be purchased here. If you have an athlete in the Millis Schools and they come in uniform and a bring a friend, the athlete eats free!
The Millis Lions will be hosting the Annual DOn Reynolds Beautification Day on Saturday, April 12, 2025. For more information, please contact Jen Donehey at jendonehey@hotmail.com.

On behalf of the Millis Lions & Alyssa Gagne Memorial Tournament Committee, we’re excited to announce that registration for the 4th Annual Millis Lions & Alyssa Gagne Memorial Golf Tournament will be opening soon - keep your eyes on your inbox!
Event Details
● Date: Friday - May 16, 2025
● Location: New England Country Club
180 Paine St, Bellingham, MA 02019
● Time: 8:30 AM Shotgun Start
7:30 AM Registration Opens
This year, we’re thrilled to bring even more excitement, including new raffle prizes, on-course contests, and opportunities to support the incredible causes championed by the Millis Lions Club & Alyssa Gagne Memorial Scholarship Foundation.
This year we have enhanced and upgraded our website to accommodate multiple payment methods, easier navigation tabs; Donations, Registrations, and Sponsorships. You can even purchase dinner only tickets in our Store. tournament.
Stay Tuned...
TBD - Trivia night
Winter 2025
“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless,
but because they’re priceless.”
– Sherry Anderson